Tokyo (Reuters) - Toyota Lub Cev Muaj Zog Corp.'s Japerers Interliaing Internation), txias tshaj tawm txhua xyoo. Yog tias qhov kev thov tau pom zoo, TOYOTA TSAV Lub tuam txhab yuav yog cov nyiaj muaj zog xyoo dhau los thov cov nyiaj ntxiv txhua xyoo sib npaug zos rau 6.7 hlis 'nyiaj ua haujlwm. Lub cev muaj zog Toyota xav tau kev txiav txim siab raug cai los ntawm lub Ob Hlis Ntuj xaus rau nws ($ 30.45 Cov koomhaum khiav haujlwm siab xaus rau nws ($ 30.46

Some big companies have announced higher pay increases this year than they did last year, while Japanese companies last year offered their highest pay increases in 30 years to address labor shortages and ease cost-of-living pressures, Reuters reported.. Nyiv kev sib hais ua haujlwm tau nkag siab txog lub Ib Hlis 1 xyoo no, tom qab cov neeg ua haujlwm TOPROY Kuj tseem nce cov nyiaj ua haujlwm. 23, Toyota lub cev muaj zog sib raug kaw siab dua ntawm 2, 991 yen, thib tsib ncaj. Lub tuam txhab cov ntawv sib koom tseem tau kov 3,034 yen ntawm ib lub sij hawm hnub ntawd, muaj ntau hnub siab. Toyota kaw lub hnub nrog kev lag luam peev ntawm 48.7 trillion yen ($ 328.8 billion) hauv Tokyo, cov ntaub ntawv rau cov tuam txhab Japanese.
Lub Sijhawm Post: Jan-31-2024